Thursday, June 23, 2011

Progress...and some mushiness.

Sorry for the lack of postage. After my dad and I's Aussie trip I had to hit the ground running. Camp started (yayyy!!!) and wedding planning began full force.  Here's what we've been working on:
  • Pennants pennants pennants! Shout out to my bestie Avery Sarah for helping me with all the sewing. Homegirl's got talent...and a new ruffle foot for her machine! (P.S. You should check out her etsy shop! She makes the cutest stadium dresses. Love love love them.)
  • Shoe shopping. I bought the expensive shoes, tried them on and they didn't look so good, sent them back, thought I found another pair only to discover that they'd already sold, found out they're not made anymore, emailed about 15 random fashion bloggers to ask if I could buy them, no such luck, panic, back up shoes, disaster, constant reminding that they're just shoes. Welcome to my brain, it's cozy here.
  • We found all the blue mason jars we need! Hallelujah.
  • The tea bar. Get ready for some amazing mixes. Think QT style. 
  • Guestbook. It's cuuute.
But I think the most exciting thing that we've finished is...REGISTERING. After hours (literally, like 7 hours on a Saturday. I know, Fiance's a trooper) and hours of researching and scanning and re-scanning and deleting, we're finally finished! You can check it out here, here, here, and even a little bit here.  We did our best to spread out items and pick things that I truly believe we'll use. But I had to constantly remind myself that not everything has to coordinate yet; we're young! We can get away with mismatched things for a while.

All in all, this past month's been a blur. But a recurring thought I've had is this: I am so, so blessed. Between my family, friends, and an amazing Fiance, I sure do have a good life. And I'm getting excited for the wedding, not stressed, which I take to be a good sign.

Speaking of my Fiance (if you don't like mushy things, now's the time to bow out), happy birthday a day early, love! This is the last birthday we'll spend as an unmarried couple...weird! So blessed to be marrying this hunk.

Look at that smile. I'm melting. Thanks for 4 amazing years! I'm so blessed to be marrying a man with a heart for God, children, and serving others. You're a daily source of encouragement and strength and I don't know where I'd be without you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You da best.

There, I'm done. Wasn't too bad, was it?

I'll have some food posts soon. I think I've been slacking on that front. But as Fiance can attest, I think you'll like the recipes! They're focused on fresh, farmer's market ingredients. And it can't get better than that.

    1 comment:

    1. Speaking of mushy, I just mushed some myself - check out my anniversary post! Yes, I had been wondering where you've been! So glad things are going well and you are still in love despite all the wedding details!!!
